An Outpouring of Dale

I live to be Dale. I live to chew on God's word and His purpose in taking the effort to make me. Chances are, I would love to meet you. In all sincerity, I hope you read something on here today that benefits you. I could go some pizza.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

For When Twitter Just Isn't Enough.

Hello again blog.

Might have been quite a while since my latest post but I have been increasingly disillusioned with the lack of room/characters/expression you get for your buck with twitter so I feel like I will get to put across more in this exciting vastness of a textbox that is 'the outpouring of Dale'. Forgive me while I indulge in a little silliness. How funny is it where Paul wrote that. Can't imagine him being silly in the Scriptures but what a legend for doing so.

Well I really would like to avoid sounding like my prac is coming to an end because it is quite sad for me to face. But I guess it is. I have loved teaching here more than I ever could have thought. It's crazy. So interesting what God is able to show us through even the most unexpected of circumstances and situations. I have discovered that the biggest way to read the times (intepret the signs..forget where that verse comes from but Ron Luce always talks about it) is so simple. You just have to read people. Now I am a bit weird but I have this addiction of watching people. Some will tell me that it's a clinical psycholgists's trait and others will gallantly declare me a stalker but man, people are so interesting! Maybe it's wrong to invade people's existences like that but I'm not talking an an invasive, threatening, goggle-eyes at the hot girl manner, I just mean casually obersving the who/what/how/why of people and being fascinated by their world instead of absorbed by my own for a change. In an effort to justify this habit of mine I will explain it using two points:

1. People-watching opens your eyes to new ways of thinking, doing, being.
2. People-watching gets your focus off yourself.

I don't know whether you've noticed by society can tend to be a tad self-centred. Especially in my life. I often wonder what is the antidote to sickening selfishness. Of course, it is Jesus and always has been but I've come to see that looking for Jesus in the faces of the people around us is one of the most excellent priveleges of life and relationships. I can see Him in the face of my prac teacher, my sister, my students, people on the streets, the girl I like, people in the media and especially in those acquaintances that you observe from a distance and would love the chance to get to know. Perhaps more of a startling development; the pervasiveness of God is a great revelation to behold.

It really does testify to the scripture that Jesus is 'over all, through all, in all'. Yet, how patient is God with us that He waits for us to look for him, discern his grace, sense his nearness.

Enough for now..

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Coming Into Some Money

DISCLAIMER #1: This blog entry (and in particular I refer to it's concluding paragraph) is not a means of advocating any form of Prosperity Doctrine or Prosperity Teaching of the Gospel, not does it aim to be embroiled in any sort of complex or sticky theology of such nature.

DISCLAIMER #2: This blog entry is intended to be read with Teardrop - The Getaway Plan accompanying in the background.

I appear to be developing quite a trend here! In an effort to warm up to finish 3x university assignments I am starting with a quick blog to 'get the typing fingers warm' or so to speak. I say this with almost no intent of humour, and not even a smile (rare for me), as I have been procrastinating severely for most of today. And now we come to the crunch. I will get them done, I promise. That was positive confession number one. See, I am feeling better already.

So, what has been happening? I can tell you that my Macbook Pro power cord is getting worked out over-time during this season. It is being plugged in and out of the innovating magnetic socket more often than (avoiding obvious sexual metaphors here) the AA batteries are in and out of my handy, canary yellow Arclec Sport camping torch - which coincidentally is very, very often, in case you didn't catch my meaning. What I mean by this is I have been using my computer a great deal, which is a good thing seeing as though I am a student and I feel as though I have some sort of legal right to engage with a laptop on a 'two-thirds of the day' basis. I believe this differs greatly from every other profession or career pursuit, who only deserve to be able to use laptops for a 10 brief minute period daily - enough time to quickly check their Facebook or Twitter, then move onto more wholesome activities such as conversing with the family/girlfriend/wife/roommate - with the possible exception of people who are in IT; they sort of need computers to do their job. I mention this detailed theory of computer-time management because of my increasing annoyance at people who are absorbed in technology. Sure, I am one of them. I guess you could say I'm annoyed at my own addiction, and outwork that frustration through the judgement of other people. This is a flaw of mine that I must allow God to remove in me. Other flaws I feel I have include never admitting I am weak, in need of anything, or unaware of important details, as well as the flaw which I feel started it all: the curse of the addictive personality.

I'm serious. I love things. I get way keen on things incredibly easy. Everything from Twitter to Mars Bars to Redskins to Ped-Eggs to Hair Straighteners to Leather Lounges to Colognes to Underwear to Seat Covers to Nutella. What can I say? I love stuff. I have stated on a recent Facebook update that I am "passionate" about Nutella. I actually consulted the Oxford Online Dictionary to check that I could use the word "passionate" to describe my affections and feelings for the inanimate product that is the delectable hazelnut spread. I found the following definitions:

passion • noun

1 very strong emotion.
2 intense sexual love.
3 an outburst of very strong emotion.
4 an intense enthusiasm for something.

and interestingly...

5 (the Passion) the suffering and death of Jesus.

This was a significant 'Of Course' moment for me. Yet again I was obsessed with my own pursuits and desires and interests, and Jesus comes and smacks me in the face with the gentle reminder: "I'm here, Dale!". I really enjoy when Jesus does this. I would say He is good at it. He has ingeniously perfected the art of smacking me in the face, which I have grown to be more than comfortable with over my roughly 6-year walk Him gracing my life. My revelation experience aside, I was amused to find that all of the provided definitions of passion adequately suited my feelings towards Nutella. Yet I am thankful for being reminded that only Jesus is the one that I am to be truly passionate for (except maybe without definition number two).
I will end with a verse from the Message translation that I am actually becoming increasingly passionate about with each passing day, and I must say it is one of the most challenging verses I have been able to find in the bible anywhere:

Ephesians 5:2 says:
"Mostly what God does is love you. Keep company with him and learn a life of love. Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn’t love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us. Love like that."

The final sentence of this absolutely floors me. It is epic in it's demand, clarity and sense of truth that seems to resound in my heart in a place that not many other passages of Scripture get to. Will blog about it in-depth at a later date, possibly before my next set of essays are due. For now I should get onto these!

As for this blog title, a 2 dollar coin fell out of my undergarments as I reached to put them on just as I was starting this, and I found it striking. God is good. He is my (money for coffee) provider.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

How To Pass 35 Minutes Very Successfully

So here I am waiting for a train post-midnight at Hornsby (I think the name means 'lovely place' to some..). Not really any noises except for some incessant birds who should be in bed, and not twittering. Also, a man nearby recently stopped shouting about his discovery that the Daily Telegraph sport section, published on week days, is no longer "what it used to be". Perfect place to start blogging!
How cool is this technology. I love it. But if I only ever talked about my intense obsessions with social networking, micro blogging and other Internet-related buzzwords that seem to be cropping up all the time, I'm sure you would get bored. I really hope you are not bored.
Speaking of boredom, I think its such a problematic and wasteful expression of one's feelings. Surely we will never live on this earth long enough to read all the books we want to, listen to all the albums we want to, watch all the movies we want to, read all the great websites that we want to. There is so so so much available for us to do every day, I can honestly say I never get bored. Even the amount of conversations I want to have with people about fascinating things and experiences and emotions and dreams and fears and joys, highs and lows. There is so much potential inside everything and every person. We should make the most of what we can have, read, think, touch, love and know. I really don't think the world around us should exist to serve us and make us feel the things we all need to feel as human beings - we should actively pursue and seek out for ourselves the things and people we want to connect with that are going to be of value to us and will construct good things in our lives, adding their richness, generosity, individuality, uniqueness and knowledge. Don't you think?
I don't know why I'm getting caught up on this. I'm not saying being open to EVERY sort of knowledge under the sun (Solomon has been there. Done that. Blogged about it.) is going to always be consistently helpful and beneficial to us. After all, we could easily go down the wrong path of open mindedness and be led astray from the ultimate truth that a life with God offers us. But I really think God and His beautiful, all-transcending light can give us and me the capacity to navigate our way to things with wisdom, skill and a keen interest to gain all that we can and be filled not only with an incredible knowledge of Him, but also a perceptiveness to this world that exists around us. We are in the world. This is a reality. I don't believe for a second that God has called us to a life of escapism and fantasy, but I am convinced that he wants to plant and sow us in our day to day situations so we can make a noticeable and productive difference.
Well I don't know how but I started with technology, boredom and the origins of Hornsby, and ended up with God, purpose and making a difference. Interesting connection, but I guess that's just me.
I never intend to make these about God or anything to do with being religious or holy or pious. I am the worst, worst, worst of the most imperfect of sinners in total need of Jesus and His infinitely deep, defining and abiding grace. I really just intend these to be an outlet of what I am thinking about. So you may be (intensely ironically) BORED with the God-talk. See how it all comes back around... :)
Love drtw

Sunday, August 9, 2009

I want to live on mission.

Wow so I haven't blogged since June! How crazy. Anyways today I'm thinking about my calling and who I am and what I want my life to stand for a lot, so this is really just a way to gather my thoughts in a hopefully coherent and tangible way - and hopefully I don't get so carried away and excited like I normally do when I'm typing that I forgot I'm not making sense.
I just really want my life to count for something... You know what I mean? I dont like any of us are here by mistake and this life is really about so mich more than us. that's why I just love the whole story of Jesus and who he says he is making me into: a fisher of men.

I really refuse to accept that we are only supposed to live and then die. I want a passion level for living that drives me to absolute and unrelenting extremes. I desire a life that makes a statement that is much much bigger than myself.

Now I have to say I don't always feel like this & why is that, Jesus? It sometimes feels like I am 2 separate people, one is incredibly selfish and me-centred, the other is ridiculously willing to count whatever the cost to see the gospel become real to people. I am so so mindful lately of what Jesus says in Revelation about not being lukewarm. He wants me either HOT or cold. It almost makes me cry that Jesus would rather I was cold towards him than somewhat interested, or mildly open to being used by Him. I read a quote in Phil Pringle's book the other day that said "God does not create the lukewarm and the mild. HE SPECIALISES ONLY IN THE RED HOT". This hit me very very deeply somewhere, because the experience of what I often feel towards God, the Bible, this life, seeing my friends receive salvation, is far below a fiery, smoking, red-hot and insatiable, burning desire. Yet sometimes it is. This week I am choosing to immerse myself in Jeremiah 20, Amos 2, Hebrews 12 and The Revelation Letters to let Jesus and His all consuming fire thrust me out into the world with a completely missional heart that is SO evident to others. Oh and aCTS!, where there are some truly breathtaking accounts of the fire of the HS touching circumstances. I pray this will become a reality all across this area. I pray for fruit that won't spoil, but that by the work of God's hands through His people that there would be lasting and permanent glory brought to his name. Love never fails. His love never fails. Our love shouldn't either.

Wow this got really religious really fast. In other news, I highly recommend Quattro cafe @ Erina, as well as the staff at Platinum Chiropractic, and keen for uni this week, although I really need to get to my readings!

Bye blog. Love drtw.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I'm Worksleeping

So I just made up a new word: Worksleeping. And I'm already a fan of it. My activities of tonight and this week have really confirmed suspicions that have been brewing in me for a while: I really do hate sleeping. Why do people bother? I really would not sleep if I didn't need to. It seems like such a waste of time and energy and there are many, many, MANY other great things one could be doing instead of slumbering away in a comfy bed.
I don't think its biblical to love sleep either. I remember something from Proverbs. Must look it up in my new Study BIBLE! Yay!
So what I'm doing is getting home from the great OIC and with one assignment left to go for the semester I am in my room ready to WRITE.. It's a journal so quite easy. And it's a little bit sad that I won't have any more tasks to focus on. On the other hand, I have a real real lot of reading to get through, things to buy, gift vouchers to redeem, people to hang with, study to engage in for a final exam, Elders to interview, coffees to make and individuals to love on. And BIBLE to read. Mega keen to get the rest of the New Testament in the Message knocked over before I get back to uni, but I do have a long time.
I'm going to make a goal - finish New Testament in the MSG before Hillsong Conference 09. I have like 5 weeks to do it..I think I will smash it. But then there is the issue of reading it too fast and not absorbing or taking it in. Need to practice what Scott from Wyong Christian said about getting a supernatural ability for remembering and absorbing the Word and hiding in my heart.
Anyway, the point of all this really is: worksleeping is infinitely greater than just sleeping. Maybe it's because I'm not currently tired. Time will tell. Possibility of changing my mind when I wake up tomorrow.
I've also been EBAYING like CRAZY. I think I've bidded on like 5x pairs of great jeans and some ultra stylish shirts - way keen! But could become another addiction.
I think this is gearing up to be a great weekend. Lots of work ahead, going to some Henry House Halo action and hopefully lots of seeing people.
I'm also fasting from Facebook and Twitter until further notice. Lucky there is my blog for sweet outpouring relief.
Talk soon.. I've already spent up enough words and I've still got 1000+ to compose for my journal task.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

The OIC has become a very good friend

Let's just say I'm quite excited about a lot of things at the moment. For starters, there is the amazing discovery that I can now blog 'on-the-go', which has the potential to be very, very dangerous to my social life, and makes me ponder whether I will even employ the services of my previously great joy: Twitter.
I'm also slightly inclined to the newest discovery of mine that sits alongside (in terms of capacity to excite me and fill me with a sense of discovery and wonder) my days of first exploration of the Newcastle University campus itself.
And it is...

The Ourimbah Information Common, a.k.a. soon to be my assignment-season hangout.

Let's do a quick bio for fun:
Open: 24/7
Computers: Countless
Noise Levels: Low
Coffee Available? Yes
Best Feature: Powerade and other assorted beverages available for purchase via Visa.

How cool is that! Just to confirm my new obsession with the place, I've clocked up a total of 10.25 hours already in two days, over two seperate visits. Is this too much? Yes, I am asking cyberspace..How much OIC is too much OIC?
In other news, there is a huge bevy of events coming up, but one that I'm most peculilarly percolating over in my pondering, potentially pontificating piece of mind (like that pun? Alliteration takes my breath away) is: Groundswell. I even love the name. Luke Taylor is singing. He tells me the stage is shipped in, black, slick and shiny. I truly think it will be a very special, amazing, powerful night and I am totally grooving on the sense of expectation and anticipation that seems to be brooding spiritually, not just in my mind like it normally does for things like Hillsong or Encounterfest.
Anyway, I'm off for a soy latte.. OIC, see you next time!

Dale robert thomas wood.

The {rest} is yet to come

See what I did there..with the heading? No.. OK.

Just a lovely note to inform that, yes, I'm already addicted to blogging. So I hope you throughly/partially/at least read or enjoyed my last INSTALLMENT.

It will definitely continue.

[Why do I get a feeling the above sentence will most certainly be quoted if I ever go into politics?]

dale robert thomas wood.